Instruments of Optical Illusion
Our future relatives will honor,
and sometimes curse Us
depending on the condition
of the Earth We leave Them,
while They wonder about the
mystery of Our creations
and the power of Our Industrial Magic.
What do They think
We did with Our Super Powers?
What did They do
with Their Magic Powers?

Infinite Probability Kaleidoscopes and other optical illusion instruments
The fine detail and flowing symmetry of Nature of Reaction’s Kaleidoscopes help us remember to look at each moment as unique and sacred. Finely adjusted magnifying lenses focus microscopically on first surface mirrors as we explore and experience beauty coming from life’s most intoxicating sense, sight.
Ever changing, colorful, flowing, glowing, photo-luminary cascades of materials are set afloat in liquid silicon, and hermetically sealed in dust-proof and waterproof chambers. And so the pleasuring magic of visual symmetry is created. Each minute turn birthing into being a spectacle to never happen again.